Episode Fourteen: Show Notes

Topics covered in this episode:

How environmental chemical carcinogens impact our hormonal health

Why saliva is the most accurate and stress-free way to test for hormone imbalance

What test results can tell us about our hormonal status quo 

How testing hormone levels can identify specific imbalances

What happens to  hormone levels as you move into menopause and andropause (male menopause).

Hormone test results can pinpoint hidden imbalances and match them up with troublesome, persistent symptoms

Why  estrogen is called “the Angel of Life”, and “the Angel of Death”

Why both men and women need estrogen. 

Supplementation with small amounts of bioidentical estrogen can make a woman feel like herself again.

Perimenopause (the decades long transition to menopause) with its characteristic  hormone fluctuations  cause roller coaster symptoms

Hot flashes, serotonin, individual differences in  women 

Low estrogen levels during menopause and risks for increased cardiovascular disease and bone loss require action – supplementation as needed and taking better care of yourself

Women are afraid to use hormones b/c of breast cancer, but heart disease is more frequent in women

Progesterone, the menstrual cycle and ovulation 

Buildup of estrogen increases risk of breast cancer (BC) supplementing with Progesterone reduces BC risk significantly

  • Flat lined cortisol levels increase risk for BC
  • Melatonin levels typically very low in BC patients

How cortisol, the master stress hormone amplifies or suppresses the Immune system 

Adrenal fatigue and chronic stress:

Adrenals get exhausted from lack of sleep, too much stress, OVERexercise, environmental toxins, etc.

What is the cortisol awakening response

Stress and adrenalin, the fight or flight feeling it in your body, 

Melatonin and saliva levels – Seasonal Affective Disorder

Cortisol and Thyroid – the King and Queen of hormones.

The importance of knowing  your symptoms of hormone imbalance

Aim of supplementing with bioidenticals to keep hormone levels within a healthy range

The importance of testing and monitoring while supplementing with hormones. Never guess and treat.

Why saliva testing is more accurate than serum blood tests for measuring and monitoring  topical  hormones.
Published in Menopause  2013; 20(11):1169-1175.

Not all hormone testing is equal – Make sure you’re testing with a reputable lab.

  • ZRT is the only laboratory assessing proficiency standards (SPIT testing) across the industry